Carriage Healthcare Monthly Newsletters

Review your newsletter by scrolling down to your community name and clicking the link to access your proof. Please review each section carefully and use the feedback form to submit feedback within 2 business days of receiving this link if you have text changes only (new articles and photos are NOT accepted during the proofing process per the Carriage Healthcare Corporate Office), or let us know if we’re approved to print!

Review Your Newsletter:

Submit Feedback or Approval:

If you approve your proof(s) as is, please type "I Approve" in the following field:

The Monthly Newsletter Process

The process for submitting content, revisions, and approval for your monthly newsletters are detailed below. If you have additional questions, please feel free to call us any time at 248.987.6542.

The Monthly Newsletter Process

A Brief Overview of the Process

  • To fill remaining space, monthly-filler articles will be added to the newsletter.
  • Porter One Design will send an email on the first of each month containing a copy of the Monthly Newsletter Template which provides suggestions for monthly articles. (Download the template here.)
  • Your community representative sends Porter One Design content/photos for next month’s newsletter by the 11th of the month to
    • For example: your June newsletter information is due on May 11.
  • Within 5-7 business days, you will receive a link via email to review your newsletter proof online.
    • Once you receive that email, you will have two business days to review your newsletter.
    • In order to ensure your newsletters will arrive by the first of the month, if we do not hear back from your community within two business days, we will print and ship your newsletter “as is.”
  • After reviewing your newsletter, submit feedback or approval via the feedback form above. New articles and additional new photography are not accepted during the revision process.
  • Porter One Design will make your requested revisions to the newsletter, and print and ship it shortly.
  • Once your newsletter is approved, we will print and ship so you receive them to your ATTN on or before the 1st of the month.
  • Porter One Design will also distribute all finalized newsletter content to your website provider for posting on your websites and social media.

Content Guidelines

We have created a content submission template in order to provide suggestions of article content. Choosing from the topics listed within the document, submit content for 3-8 articles of varying length. Feel free to expand on any topic or submit entirely unique ones. You may also choose to send up to 10-12 photos with your submission, but please attach these directly to your email rather than inserting them into the Word document.

There are a few things to keep in mind while writing the content and gathering the photos for your newsletter:

  • Please ensure that ALL articles are free of typos and misspellings, and have proper capitalization throughout. All proofing and copy-editing is your responsibility.
    • Please do not submit your content in ALL CAPS.
    • Please submit your content in a text-editable format. (No images of documents.)
  • Your content must be 100% original. Due to copyright law, we cannot include any articles, imagery, clipart, or photography pulled from the internet.
  • Send your photography as attachments to your emails. Feel free to send multiple emails if necessary due to file-size. Do not embed them into the Word Document, as inserting photos directly within the Word document will significantly reduce the quality of the photos.

Changes in quantities or questions?

If you have any questions or would like to change the current quantity of printed newsletters or calendars you receive, please include them in your feedback submission, or contact us at or via phone at 248.987.6542.